This Day in Brussels

This Day, in Brussels,

began like any other.

People arose from a long sleep,

refreshed and ready

for a new beginning,

for a new day was dawning.


This Day, in Brussels,

as people breakfasted and readied their children

as they traveled to work and to drop their kids off at school

and made their way to the airport for a departure

or  the arrival of loved ones

they began this new day

with new hopes and wishes and goals.


This Day, in Brussels,

the airport

and the metro

and Eurostar

and commuter trains in and out of the city

have come to a


A stand still.

The EU capital

Shut down.

Locked down.

STATE  of   E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y.


This Day, in Brussels

at 8 AM

two bombs exploded in airport lounges.

at 9:30 AM

in the metro station.


thirteen people murdered.

more than thirty gravely injured

in blasts to rock this city.

the heart of the EU.



This Day, in Brussels

questions are asked

but left unanswered.

Terror by Al Qaeda?  Daesch?

Response to the arrest of

Salah Abdeslam?

Where did the money come?

Who backed this?

Who harbored this, this merde?


This Day, in Brussels

heartbreak and loss

disbelief and fear

resignation- -it was

just a matter of time,

just like Paris, after Bataclan

after Charlie Hebdo

just like Madrid

after Istanbul

after 9/11

and countless other attacks around the world.


This Day, in Brussels

and around the world

people mourn

layer after layer after layer of


and wonder

how this will all end…




@maribethbatcho2016 All Rights Reserved











19 thoughts on “This Day in Brussels

  1. I haven’t turned the news on yet, but I read about it online. It’s another horrific tragedy. My mind immediately thought this was in response to Abdeslam’s arrest, but who knows? And you know what, it doesn’t matter why. It’s pure evil. Such senseless violence. Lives abruptly ended or changed forever… for what purpose?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. My husband woke me up before 5 to tell me. Senseless brutality, and to what end?
      Thanks for reading my piece this morning. For taking the time to respond. (CNN reported that Salah Abdeslam was supposed to trigger his suicide vest but chickened out, and is now cooperating with authorities.)


  2. Yours is the first post I read today with horror and sadness. We,too, have roots in the EU so it becomes even more piercing. This is getting to be quite the horrific world we live in.


    1. Yes, Barbara, it is. The societal regression is measurable, palpable, undeniable. I don’t know where we are headed, or what the solutions are, but I know we need to be talking. Today Brussels. Tomorrow any town USA? Anywhere at any time. Where does it end?


  3. This was the first story I heard on the news this morning. So horrific. The repeating line in your post was powerful. And when you listed all the other places where terrorist attacks have occurred, it made me think how too often this piece could be written by just inserting another city or country name – “This day in ______”
    Not a good way to start the day, but thank you for your important reminder of the senselessness of these types of acts.


  4. I wish it wasn’t so. The world isn’t always a bowl of cherries, and always looking at the world with rose colored glasses doesn’t solve these big world problems we are facing.
    Barbara, as always, I appreciate your words and the fact that you take the time to read my writing.


  5. Your repetition creates a haunting feeling, because it was just another day, until evil entered. It does make one stop and pause about the ordinariness of our own days/lives and the what if this happened in our space. I, too, wonder how will this all end? Very poignant poem on this sad day.


    1. Kind words from you. Definitely difficult to put to words. Funny, last night I told my husband that I was out of writing topics for the challenge. That changed the moment he woke me up to tell me…
      I appreciate that you have read my words again today, and especially that you take the time to respond, even when you don’t you have words.


  6. You so eloquently put into words how I have been feeling since hearing of the attacks. I keep asking, each time another tragedy happens, Is this the last one? Is it finally over? Why, oh why, do people do this?


    1. I ask those same questions. Paris was especially hard for us; it became personal. Yesterday’s attack was equally as difficult and haunting. Read Barb Suter’s piece for today. She addresses it in a different way.

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