A great piece that leaves questions unanswered yet is filled with hope…check it out!


Dead end,  No outlet,

 It is on the road or in our lives?

Experiencing, visualizing real dead ends at a larger scale is uncommon.

What if an entire country has no way out?

What if an entire country has catastrophic events occurring  all the time.

Rusty trains abandoned in the middle of nowhere.


Roads washed away by the last cyclone.


Villages and  inhabitants  left behind.


Mine fields on the road sides


No Way Out!


Beyond this fate, we might find hope

Determination can open roads


Beyond this fate, we might find smiles

Resilience can make people empowered


Beyond this fate, we might find faith

Perseverance can trigger creativity


sunset at Morrungulo


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Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre Dame Night


Il est venu le temps des cathédrales
Le monde est entré
Dans un nouveau millenaire
L’homme a voulu monter vers les étoiles
Ecrire son histoire
Dans le verre ou dans la pierre

Du Temps des Cathédrales, Notre-Dame de Paris

Our Lady of Paris

Photo ©Maribeth Batcho 2016 All Rights Reserved.

From Goûter to Déjeuner

That day in February, so long ago, was cold and blustery and snowy.  As the flurries turned into inches on the ground, the thought of something comforting came to mind.  She opened the fridge to find it empty.  Next up, the cupboards. While there was food to be eaten, nothing was calling her like the taste of her mother’s soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Back to the fridge for another look. Bread, check. Cheese?  No response. No cheese.  Nothing to grill between two pieces of bread was to be found in that fridge. It was          e-m-p-t-y.  In the middle of a blizzard. No chance of getting to the market.

But wait, she thought.   What if I grill chocolate instead? It can’t be worse than marmite between two slices of bread, she whispered to herself.  Without much of a choice, it was settled:  grilled chocolate sandwiches.

First, she pullout out the chocolate.  She chose her chocolate based upon the bitterness of the day:


She cut the baguette into slices, enough for three mini sandwiches, and then spread  salted butter on them.

From there, she carefully place the buttered slices into a greased frying pan.  She broke 3 chocolate squares into odd-size pieces and placed them on top. The chocolate was sandwiched between slices of bread.  When she could smell the chocolate melting, she  flipped over the sandwiches, being careful not to let the bread slip apart and lose all that deliciousness melting inside.

After a few more minutes, and a firm press on the top of each one to ensure the squares were melted, she turned off the gas and removed them from the pan. Lunch was served!
